Why us

Our Vision

In an era defined by rapid digital evolution, businesses need more than just marketing services—they require visionary partners who understand the nuances of the digital landscape. At Amazen!, we’re driven by a vision to empower businesses with strategic insights, coupled with creative brilliance, to deliver impactful content that resonates deeply with target audiences. Recognising the unparalleled power of video, we craft compelling narratives that enable users to absorb vast amounts of information in minimal time.

Global & Local Presence

With years of collaboration and a network of top-tier filmmakers worldwide, we seamlessly blend global expertise with local insights. Whether you’re a corporate giant or a budding startup, our commitment remains unwavering—we deliver on time, on budget, and with unrivaled quality. Drawing from diverse industry experiences, spanning Automotive, Beauty, Health, Telecommunications, and beyond, we create a tailored experience that feels like home, no matter where you are.

Who We Are

When you combine the knowledge, experience, and creativity of an award-winning blogger and social media master, Janet Korosi, master artist and commercial film Director, Oliver Buerkhard, and the Executive commercial Film producer, Jem Chelik, we realised a powerful and complete foundation for our agency with a vision to offer only the best products.

The team